Manon Duquenne - Postdoc


Welcome Manon Duquenne to the lab who has started her postdoc in collaboration with Dr Thierry Alquier’s lab at the CRCHUM.

Manon, who carried out her PhD in Lille, comes to the lab with an abundance of neurometabolic expertise which she will use to study astrocytes and metabolic stress.

Ben Rogers - Master's student


We’re all delighted to welcome Ben to the lab, who has joined us to do his Master’s in Neuroscience.

From Newfoundland, Ben comes to Montreal with experience in electrophysiology and two-photon imaging and will investigate astrocyte lactate dynamics and the influence on synaptic function.

Anthony Bosson - Research Associate


We are delighted to welcome Dr Anthony Bosson to the lab. Anthony is transitioning from his postdoctoral position in the labs of Richard Robitaille and Jean-Claude Lacaille on the main campus of Université de Montréal, down to us at the CRCHUM.

Anthony’s years of expertise in neuron-glia interactions, electrophysiology, and two-photon microscopy will be put to use across all research projects.